Friday 3 April 2009



So basically, I was looking online for someones solid progress to try and see if you can achieve major weight loss with the Wii Fit, healthily... There are one or two, and I decided I should let others out there know too if it's possible, so I thought i'd set up a blog and update it regularly, to let others see a real time (kind of) progress tracker on a normal person who works in an office and just does normal things. I lost around 2 stone (28lbs) last year and have put around 7lbs of that weight back on since Christmas. I seem to have hit a brick wall with my weight loss, I managed to lose most of that 2 stone last year without exercise, but now feel the need to start exercising to really boost my weight loss again. I am to do around 30 mins per day on the Wii Fit over various of the different exercises available, my personal favourite at the moment is definately the jogging! I'm gonna try and take some pics of my progress and keep you all updated...

This should be fun...!


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