Saturday 4 April 2009

So... just did 39 minutes on the Wii Fit. Started with the Step Basics moving on to Hula Hooping. I then did some Yoga and Muscle workouts, some balance exercise (football heading), followed by simple + advanced boxing and a long jog! I really feel by mixing all the different varieties of excercise you can achieve a nice broad workout, I especially like the jogging and boxing I really feel like i'm burning fat. No movement on my Wii Fit age (it still reflects my true age) and nothing worth noting on the weight loss or BMI at the moment, pretty much the same. Will keep you updated as things start changing (i'm very confident I can shed this 49lbs with the help of Wii Fit!), and of course i'm watching what i'm eating too, also trying to drink more water (don't have much choice after the boxing and jogging!). If you're wondering why I need to lose exactly 49lbs, well, around 49lbs, it's because that will bring me down to a safe BMI of around 24.5 which is just at the top end of the healthy weight for my height. If i find it easy I may continue from there to try and lose a further 7lbs but we will see how I feel at the time, and how I look!

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